Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sweet Potato Nutrient Bowl

I wasn't too sure what to call this, so I went with "Nutrient Bowl" because this lunch is jam packed with them!  Since its has sweet potatoes, we will focus on the many benefits of the wonderful sweet potato!

Believe it or not, I used to be an extremely picky eater.  And I mean extremely.  If it wasn't cereal, pancakes, or subway, I wanted nothing to do with it!  I told myself for years that I didn't like sweet potatoes. Crazy!  They are so delicious and as the name states, SWEET!  They have become a staple in my diet and I love them!

Sweet potatoes contain antioxidants, which can prevent cell damage and are great for keeping your skin healthy. Fruits and veggies that contain Beta-Carotene (orange or red in color) are amazing for your skin! They also contain Vitamin A and C as well as Folate.  The vitamins help keep your immune system going strong and the Folate is great, especially if you have a little one on the way.  They also contain potassium and a ton a fiber.  The fiber helps with your digestion which in turn helps absorb more of the nutrients you are eating.

Some people don't know this, but pairing certain foods together allows you to absorb more of the nutrients of those items.  A sweet potato is definitely like that.  Eating a sweet potato on it's own will definitely boost your health, but pairing it with a healthy fat will help get you more fiber and Vitamin A.  You can drizzle or roast them in some extra virgin olive oil (I have done so with an orange flavored EVOO and it was delightful!) or you can pair it with a healthy fat food like I did with the avocado.

  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 1/2 cup steamed sweet potatoes dusted with ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup cooked millet with fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup homemade zucchini-garlic hummus
  • A sprinkling of dulse flakes
  • Gluten and Wheat free crackers made from brown rice, quinoa, flax and sesame seeds

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